We will engage with different stakeholders from the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) and Kiel University. We will discover and create together the requirements for all DSLs in the project and include them in the evaluation of the all language candidates and tooling.

Arne Biastoch is professor for Ocean Dynamics at GEOMAR. He is an oceanographer with a strong interest to use numerical models to research the mesoscale and large-scale ocean circulation and to interdisciplinary work on geosphere and biological interactions.

Katja Matthes is professor for General Meteorology at GEOMAR. Her research interests include atmosphere-ocean modeling with special focus on chemistry-climate modeling. Her group contributes to international model inter-comparison studies of climate variability and climate change.

Andreas Oschlies is professor for Biogeochemical Modelling at GEOMAR. His research interests include physical, biogeochemical, and ecological constraints on the oceanic carbon uptake and its climate sensitivity, and the development of mechanistic ecological and biogeochemical models. We already collaborated in the Sprat project.

Thomas Slawig is professor for Algorithmic Optimal Control – CO 2 Uptake of the Ocean at Kiel University. His research group invented the open-source software Metos3D, the “Marine Ecosystem Toolkit for Optimization and Simulation in 3-D“. Metos3D offers a biogeochemical model suite, which is used in the “National Climate Modeling Initiative PALMOD: From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene – Modeling a Complete Glacial Cycle“.